Dev post #3

Dev post #3

DEV #03

Long time no see! I figured I would spend some more time back on this website and improve some things I felt it needed before I jump back in and start writing. Sometimes It is hard to gain motivation when there is so much to do in my day-to-day life, but I needed an outlet. It is great to have a hobby and guess I kinda want to get back into this writing.

Anyway, first things first Storyblok needs to go! I spent way too much time integrating it and then never wrote a post because it took me away from the dev work. I felt that I liked the dev work when I could do small improvements when writing posts. Like if something came to me while writing I would love to just update the site. It wasn’t very great anyway, I found myself hating the lack of TS support and pigeonholing myself into making my site to fit their needs. I like the freedom of having my playground.

The next thing was to upgrade all my packages. I know this isn’t needed but I wanted to try to maintain one thing in my life haha. Wasn’t as hard as I thought and spent most of it trying to get my linter to work.

I wanted this update to make things easier (like the use of CMS), while not taking away from the dev experience. And look and behold I went back to MDX. But this time from a file-based perspective. Was fun getting it all up and running and incorporating a template to have the pages nice.

After this, I went with Atomic design a refactored everything so the home page was clean. Took the afternoon but love the result. I also updated the animation and added more images with optimisation on blur to give a good aesthetic.

All in all, love how it turned out and am excited to continue to develop on it. Just hope I can get my linter to work.