Concrete Desert

Concrete Desert

Japan Arrival

So it’s been a while since my last post but guess there wasn’t much travel in my life. Moved house got a new job went through a bad relationship, guess just was living life. But I am back and this time in Japan. Although it wont be the same as my previous blogs, as I am purely on a holiday so no work. But I figured it would give me an outlet to remember all the events as photos just don’t give good enough context.

Anyway, so back in June this year we my friends reached out and said they were going to Japan for a holiday in Nov, as flights were dirt cheap like less than $1500 return. I was like, “F$&k yeah, I’m in!” and booked my flights… a couple weeks after (I’m lazy okay). I had been to Japan before but it was a couple of years ago and I was there is an old partner and her family. So I was keen to go back eat food and explore the night life with friends. After a long couple of months we packed our bags and headed off to Japan full of excitement.

The flight was on the 25th of Nov and at 10:30am Brisbane time. I had slept at a friends on the day prior to save myself driving down the day of. Got through customs and ready to board on time, but the flight had been delayed til 11am. Was okay if that was the only delay. Unfortunately we were stuck on the plane for a good 2 hours before making any movement bloody JetStar.

Flying was kinda sh$thouse as the seats sit up too vertically and basically had to bend my neck to try get any sleep. Plus there was an old lady next to me who didn’t say a single word and was constantly giving me the stink eye when I needed to get up. Lucky I was sat next to Guan-tse (or most of his friends call him Gwu) so we just kept busy by talking, sleeping or playing mario party. We were also on the flight with Christian and Johanna, a cute couple who I had just met at the start of this trip. Well I had met Christian before playing video games and gave good vibes so was keen to meet him in person.

Anyway when we landed it was a bit of a rush grabbing JR passes, SIM cards and trying to make it to Tokyo (Ikebkuro I think) to get dinner at this beef bowl place. Because of all the delays we missed it closing and just missed the rest of the group as they went back to go to sleep. Oh well night was only young in our minds.

Finally got to the BnB and then went straight out to get some dinner and drinks around the area. We ended up going into an all you can drink for ¥899(2hrs) which is like ~$9.05. Was so good there, think we drank like 30 standards between 3 people in the 2 hours so definitely made our money worth. Also we had this mound of friend chicken which was to die for. Never had something so crispy, tasty and juicy. This is why I love Japan.

Last but not least we went for a walk after dropping Johanna off and grabbed a strong zero plus a cow liver hangover cure drink thing for the morning. OMG they work like a treat need this back over in Aus. We walked around for a bit talking shit getting more drunk and just enjoying being somewhere different for a change. Been stuck in Aus for too long. So that was the first night, and off to a great start, will definitely be adding more so stay tunned.