Surf's up... Couch surfing

Surf's up... Couch surfing

Stressed out

After the stress of getting stuck while traveling it feels good to stay in one place for more than two nights. Currently staying on my mum’s couch and working from random places; Sometimes her place, sometimes my sisters, and sometimes cafes. I have a sister in the area with two boys as well so been catching up with them in my spare time.

I ended up spending the weekend just catching my breath and trying to relax. I did try to explore but the CV19 rules in NSW are super strict in comparison. I went to the shops and immediately left, but I did go through the whole process of adding my vax information to the NSW app.

While Coffs Harbour is technically a city it still doesn’t have a whole lot to do except the beach. I mean I like the beach but where I have come from the beaches are just as good if not better. So I feel like I am wasting the time if I go to the beach. I did end up having a small date and walked along the jetty Monday night. Which was fun, since after we headed to a bar and got to have that experience once again. Kinda missing the GC life haha.

Spent Today mainly focused on smashing out work and smash out work I did. I ended up finishing something I didn’t think I had near enough time for. But was a great feeling to get it done even though it was a bit of an overtime stretch. I am definitely thinking that it is easy to travel and dev. Haven’t seen an impact on productivity only in a positive way. But I guess I am not really exploring enough.

I am definitely getting cold feet and not sure what to do. Like I kinda know what I want to do, explore the nightlife and meet people. But I am only finding that through dates, and that’s not sustainable. I have met some interesting people and gained some new stories. But yeah how do you adult?